album of the week

Sappukei by Number Girl


i first found out about number girl sometime in 2018-2019 and immediately they became one of my favorite post-hardcore/alt rock bands EVER. this album highlights what i like most about them: its noisy, harsh, loaded with both expermentation and odes to the bar-chord-form, but it all never clashes too much. for instance, sasu-you, one of the hardest songs theyve written, fits neatly next to urban guitar sayonara, the most out-there and dissonant track. the lyrics are also another thing to write home about- im unaware of any offical english translations, but i like this one done by a fan. most reflect a purveying, bitter disillusionment trapped in urban hellscape, punctuated with unsentimentality and intoxicated attempts at emaciating it. even without understanding them though, the instrumentation conveys that brand of hopelessness perfectly. the piercing guitar note at the beginning of urban hell is always a little jarring though; i have to turn down my volume everytime it comes on. but all in all its a fantastic album and one i always return to. go go listen!!!

fav songs: u-rei, sappukei, basically all of them